October 08 | 15 minute read | Leadership

Effects of the Headteacher on the School: How Inclusion is not Rewarded

By: Nick McDonald

Effects of the Headteacher on the School: How Inclusion is not Rewarded

This BBC Newsnight Article (Chris Cook, October 2016) identifies issues with the way Headteachers are recruited and rewarded – particularly secondary schools. Can you identify with the surgeon, philosopher or architect styles of headteacher, identified by the authors of the Harvard report quoted in this article? Why are headteachers with the most fixed ideas about teaching, teachers and students often paid the most and can be the least valuable to the community they serve?

The article in this video highlights a problem with the way some schools in the UK are lead:

Does this ring any bells with you and your experience?

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Here is a related podcast on our @Teacher Learning channel, here: